Naturally, bev-top me- dia boosts food and beverage sales – but the return on invest- ment doesn’t stop there. It also spikes direct customer en- gagement and so- cial media exposure – particularly with Mil- lennial audiences. What began with coffee has expanded to beer, cock t a i l s , or any foam-based drink, and is printed us- ing safety-certified, 100% natural extracts. As bev-top media con- tinues to spread, so will FOMO for businesses that re- main left behind. And a drink served without somethingmeaningful on top? It’ll just feel wrong. T he idea is both simple and revolutionary: printing high resolution con- tent on foam-based drinks In our culture of distrac- tion, with increasing ad spends and decreasing focus from customers, the moment a drink is served is a moment of precious attention. Where other media fail, beverage-top media delivers because it helps brands and businesses deliver con- tent that people actually see and want to consume. Bev-top media includes jus t about any thing: messages, illustrations, pro- motional offers – all of which can be personalized in real-time. Even us- er-generated content such as selfies, using a simple mobile app. Notable clients include alcohol brands such asGuinness andChandon, events that span the red carpet at The Oscars to the green grass of Wimbledon, and iconicnames inhospitality fromtheRitz Carlton to Four Seasons. OTTOBRE 2019 / Mixer 67 Ripples bridges analogdrinkswithdig- ital data to extract valuable marketing and consumer behavior insights. Busi- nesses can understand which content works best across their industries and geographic locations, andquantify the earned media value from social media exposure theygetwithRipples content. RIPPLES: Make Your Drinks Go Viral HOST Pavillon 18 - Booth L70 M69 Padiglione 18 - Stand L70 M69
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