OTT.NOV 2014
Appreciate the Parma and San Daniele,
but always because USDA products
available on the American market are
not the same as those available in Italy.
What is the appreciation of the hams
with a designation such as Parma and
San Daniele?
The features recognized by customers
vary greatly from aging and the
manufacturer. We always try to offer a
product that is valid and in line with the
standards of sanitation and import.
Lamb, former meat
for modern needs
Low-fat, high protein, away
from intensive farming, the
lamb has all the qualities
to impose as an alternative
of value, but in Italy it is
still a food associated with
Easter and the regional
By Anna Muzio
Lamb is meat linked to religious rituals
of the monotheistic religions, and its
use is ancient Mediterranean area. Yet,
its use remains niche: the 76 pounds of
meat every Italian eats every year only
one is lamb. There are a few high-end
restaurants that offer all year round,
in his finest cuts, loin and chops. For
the rest it is very subject to seasonal
consumption linked to the festivities.
Although it must be said that from
2011 Easter has seen a decline in the
consumption of lamb by more than 60%,
thanks to the crisis.
“In fact, the consumption varies a lot
from region to region. In Lazio and
Sardinia is widespread, here we have
almost nothing in the plain, in the hills
more. In Romagna using the sheep
for the kebabs, but just to move 100
kilometers consumption habits and
change, “says Antonio Bocchi holder of
The customs change, and impact on
consumption. In this lamb is emblematic
of the changes of society. It is lean meat
rich in protein and thus considered a
healthy food. Also, is not subject to
intensive breeding lambs are usually left
free to pasture, feeding of breast milk
or grass, fresh or dried. Alas, however,
to recommend their use to the animals,
that this type of meat in particular,
every Easter trigger species via web
campaigns that stigmatize the use, such
as “save a lamb.” On the other hand
there are traditions and religious choices
that support consumption. “A few years
ago some restaurateurs are asking halal
lamb meat for their customers Muslims.
A growing category for the presence of
immigrants but also families in which
one spouse follows the precepts of
Islam,” says Bocchi.
tradition, as well as Sardinia and Lazio
immediately comes to mind Abruzzo.
“There’s a widespread culture good
lamb, which is cooked on the grill
for the most part, especially in the
many restaurants in the hinterland.
Consumption is then distributed
throughout the year, although there are
peaks at Easter and, for some years,
even at Christmas. Once more he went
the whole lamb, now prefer smaller
cuts and easy to cook, “says Antonio Di
Lorito, owner of MrChef.
Reined in short, the consumption
of lamb the test of time? The
phenomenon’s grill could facilitate their
use, although generally prefer these
local cuts with higher yields and less
expensive. For now, in short, its use
remains niche or local level, although
the results, as you know the chef with
clients from wallet full, they can be
really excellent, and appreciated by
customers despite, or precisely because
of the taste so special.
Looking for the perfect arrosticino
“For us arrosticini is like pizza in other
parts of Italy: when you want to go
out at night, looking for a local who
propose them, and there are thousands.
But few make them really good, ‘she
begins Gianni Fortuna, owner of Pub
restaurant Alle Botti of Pescara. What
about cooking and choice of meat has
researched long and detailed.
“For the kebabs using the sheep, who
is French and must have a high amount
of fat. In fact the small filament in the
pulp that give softness and sweetness
to the final product. I keep it at least 10
days for maturation, in non-ventilated
refrigerator because the meat will dry.
From a sheep from 50 pounds get the
same amount of arrosticini that by a 30,
but of a very different quality. Of course
the difference is greater.”
That made it a sheep? “For the kebabs
we use only the best parts of the sheep,
the so-called” gun “, about 25% of the
animal. It is tender and cook it a little
so that we can remain in a little ‘pink.
50% is waste. We also use a part to
make a dish of the ancient tradition
of Abruzzo, the sheep callara. It is a
kind of goulash soup in white result
of 10 hours of boiling old animals and
leathery. I’ve modernized with a slower
and ripassandolo cooking in a pan
with tomatoes, herbs and onion. And
customers appreciate.”
Agnello di Sardegna IGP
He is best known. The Community
trademark attests to the Sardinian
origin, the criteria for non-intensive
farming, natural feeding (breast milk or
pasture). It has three different product
types are: “dairy” 5-7 kg; “Light” up to
7-10 kg; “Cutting” 10-13 kg.
Lamb Center Italy IGP
He was born and raised in the territory
of central Italy (Abruzzo, Emilia
Romagna, Lazio, Marche, Tuscany and
Umbria), obtained from a population of
sheep historically present in this range.
It feeds exclusively on breast milk and
fodder (fresh and / or dried), with small
additions of grain. Available in types