OTT.NOV 2014
Product obtained from the grating of
selected forms of Grana Padano. The
shapes, reached a proper stage of
ripeness, are grated and, in order to
preserve the best flavor and freshness,
immediately packaged in a protective
atmosphere, without undergoing
any process of drying and no added
Ingredients: milk, salt, rennet,
preservative: lysozyme (natural protein
extracted from the egg).
Packing: tin lithographed metal. Weight
1000 g
Shelf life: 180 days
In line utility, there is a pack of two
multi-purpose two-ply paper rolls. It is
made from pure cellulose, and realized
with microincollatura process.
800 sheets form each roll with weight
of 2200 g.
Packing: pallet of 54 packages.
Bread butter weighing 1000 g, comes
with fine paste, homogeneous and
compact, with a maximum water
content in product weight equal to 16%.
Color: white, slightly pale.
Flavor, aroma, and odor: sweet,
pleasant, and creamy on the palate, no
Eggplant, whole peppers, zucchini
varieties of all subsidiaries, free from
damage or defects caused by insects,
diseases or other.
Production process: washing, sorting,
cutting, cooking, sorting, freezing,
Eggplant - Color beige to brown with
signs of grilling; flavor, characteristic of
the product; sweet taste, characteristic
of the product, no aftertaste abnormal.
Peppers - yellow, red, green in varying
percentages; flavor, characteristic of the
product; sweet taste, characteristic of
the product, no aftertaste abnormal.
Zucchini - color from yellow-green to
brown with signs of grilling; flavor,
characteristic of the product; sweet
taste, characteristic of the product, no
aftertaste abnormal.
Packing: bags by the kg
Shelf life: 30 months at -25 / -18 ° C.
The dish (clean) is
Dishes clean, bright and
sanitized contribute to
improving the image of the
restaurant. Yet the washing
operation is often not
By Rachele Agostoni
In catering professional dishwashing
operation is perhaps a little ‘neglected,
but it is essential to offer customers a
quality service.
Yet when confronted with the caterers
on the theme from washing dishes
seem to want everything and the
opposite of everything. “The problems
of restaurateurs - Sara Nebiolo of
Noval explains- can be summed up
in two opposite aspects: time and
space. In the sense that they would
like dishwashers compact, because
the space in the kitchen and utility
rooms is precious, but at the same time
have a great capacity for washing, to
reduce the time and do not need large
stocks of food.” Few, however, are the
restaurateurs that pose the problem of
energy consumption. “The more - he
explains - they stop at acquisition cost,
without considering those related to
the management of the machine, but
at the end of the year are certainly not
negligible. The dishwasher adopt the
most advanced energy saving systems,
such as load directly the hot water, but
there are not many restaurant owners
are willing to pay more for these
Instead, the manufacturers are very
careful about this. “Beyond the
regulatory compliance and safety
criteria, that a manufacturer like us
and absolutely must ensure that,
therefore, gives for granted - said
Giorgio Annovazzi, Sales Manager Italy
Comenda Ali - I would say that the
problem more deeply felt in our field is
summed up in the concept ‘maximum
results, minimum consumption’. For
this Comenda is always engaged in a
continuous process of research and
technological innovation, with the brand
ECO2, is achieving important results
in the development of machines with
low environmental impact involving,
therefore, less water consumption, but
also reduction of ‘use of detergents and
Comenda builds the cars with the lowest
consumption of water on the market
(a result documented by the electronic
control panels). Flagship in this field
is Multirinse, rinse system patented by
Comenda that allows water saving of
50%, and energy products.”
But it is by comparison with
restaurant owners who are born the
best proposals. “A professional - he
continued - must be familiar with
the specific area of the end user it is
intended for the car, then analyze the
components of” environmental “(quality
and water pressure) and to formulate
a specific proposal. The real needs of
the customer are, in fact, the starting
point of Comenda that has always
distinguished itself for its ability to offer
customized solutions and are able to
offer the best solutions for every need.
The parameters to be considered are
numerous, from the potential that you
need, the space available, the power
space, the time available to do the same
and the number of operators.”
area safe and reliable is critical to ensure
a high level of service and hygiene in
the kitchen. “The choice of the washing
- says Giacomo Spampinato, Marketing
Manger of Angelo Po Grandi Cucine -
must be done by analyzing workflows
and taking into account any peaks. Do
not underestimate the aspects related to
the economy and ecology of the selected
product, given the intensive and
continuous use made of the dishwasher
and the significant amount of energy
needed. Other important elements are
the noise, ergonomics and compliance
with HACCP standards. Angelo Po has
produced innovative and efficient even
in this segment, which is often wrongly
overlooked and considered of minor
importance within the catering activity,
proposing different solutions to improve
efficiency and effectiveness of the
system. Everything always guarantees
a maximum reliability, security and
support in the post-sale.”
There are many types of plants washing
Angelo Po allowing better adaptation
to the needs of the kitchen, both with
regard to the flow of work for both
spaces available, from small to large
refreshment center cooking meals.
They range from dishwashers to basket
fixed to the front-loading dishwashers,
hood type to those that offer excellent
cleaning performance, up to a tunnel
systems, as well as special machines for
washing pots.