15 Dicembre 2014
Are sweets and ice creams truly that “kind of comfort” which no one can resist, and its consumption knows no crisis? The analyses and comparisons conducted by the Osservatorio Host would seem to confirm
According to an analysis by Coldiretti on ISTAT data, Italians consume an average of 15 kilos per capita of ice cream each year. This amounts to 5 billion euro, 60% of which is craft ice cream. As regards the amount of ice cream eaten outside the home, FIPE, the Federation of Italian Public Services, estimates that consumption of the craft made product is 165 thousand tons, just over 2.7 kg per capita annually. Total revenue is estimated to be 2.5 billion euro, which peaks at 3.2 billion euro when also considering the value of the equipment, machinery and furnishings. For the latter, the industry association ANIMA expects that 2014 will end with a value of production equal to 313 million euro (up 1% on 2013) and exports for 226 million (+0.4%), which account for 72% of total revenue. Specifically, note that the association of specialised manufacturers ACOMAG found that commercial machinery (intended for use outside the home) reports a value of production equal to 230 million euro, added to which are the 25 million euro earned in sales of granita and cold desserts machinery. This is half the total global value of the two segments, which is estimated to be 490 million euro.
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