15 Dicembre 2014

Host/Mixer Observatory/5: Equipment: a challenge to take on

Host/Mixer Observatory/5: Equipment: a challenge to take on

The creativity that distinguishes the flavour in ice cream and pastry also owes to the meeting of raw materials with the technologies that enable us to make the best of them. “Ice cream is not only a trend, but something wonderful, a pleasure, which is also good for you. Compared to other trends, the new challenges are represented by the attention to wellness,” adds Valentina Righi, PR & Communication Manager Carpigiani Group. “We have also developed a specialised course dedicated to ‘Smart Food’, in conjunction with the European Institute of Oncology. The course explains how to create ice cream with lower fat, ideal for people with disorders or other health issues. Some of the courses include a course on glycaemia levels.  In this sense, wellness is top for Carpigiani.”

“In addition to innovation, we focus heavily on internationalisation,” noted Giuseppe Bravo, Managing Director of Bravo Spa. “We also make 75% of our revenue abroad and we are very attentive to the emerging markets. In the future, we will see more and more “smart” machinery that will communicate more efficiently with the operator. Even today, our Trittico machinery guide the operator step by step through the phases of the chosen recipe: the objective is not to replace the chef but free it from the more mechanical parts of the job, such as control of the temperature and times, to concentrate on the quality and creativity. In the future, we also see use of mobile technologies, such as tablets, to make the interaction between man and machine even more immediate.”

Speaking of specific needs, for example,  Francesco Tripepi, Management Director of Frigomat Srl, remarks:  “For pastry and ice cream, Frigomat has optimised the parameters of use to make them simpler and more appropriate to the new markets. The year 2015 will see the Frigomat machinery equipped with new devices and new technologies that will increase the operator’s ability to control and interact, while further increasing the precision in the various production phases. Host 2015 –  held concurrent with Expo – will represent an even greater opportunity to lead the Frigomat brand to the global stage.”


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