OTT.NOV 2014
in free fall and consumption trends
negative, is always around the corner.
And on the consumption side, things are
no better: the renunciation of shopping
has become firmly established in the
attitude of most people.
But it’s not a uniquely negative picture,
what emerges, because the reality is
not always one-way. Next to the many
problems that Italy brought along for
decades (tax evasion, the gap more and
more serious between North and South,
youth unemployment, the damage of
a bad administration of public affairs),
there are some phenomena projected
at a size of positivity. For example,
the strong interest in food triggered
by television and by star chefs, who
moves to a greater awareness of what
you eat (and seems to be spreading to
the younger generation). The growing
importance to the issues of health
and well being, even in the food, then
driving the increase in consumption
vegetarians and vegans. The attention to
quality and food safety, in addition, has
a direct impact in a more favorable for
the products that best guarantee them.
Last but not least, the interest reserved
to certain food specialties, not only by
those who have always cultivated, but
also by those - we call them cultural
elites - pointing to the “less but better”,
according to an approach that started
from wine, triggering a virtuous circle
that party by the offer has fueled the
demand which, in turn, acted as a
stimulus and accelerator qualification
process of the products.
The same is happening in restaurants,
where next to fast food, the formulas all
you can eat, basic formulas, you’re doing
well in a growing fringe of operators
that want to differentiate themselves
by focusing on quality products with
unique features. It is the polarization of
consumption that requires each of our
restaurant owners to decide in which
field to play: in the undifferentiated local
one equal to another, or in the field
of quality and distinctiveness? Today,
as a sociologist of consumption said,
the consumer appetite for satiety and
becoming unresponsive to stimuli. Well,
it is also our duty to give back to those
stimuli that our clients can pass on to
their clients, recovering the experiential
dimension that alone, from products
that enrich our traditional food, can
bring back to sit at the table of the
restaurants that great number of people
in recent years have drifted away.
Cic, fall commercial
It was held in mid-September the usual
business meeting of the Cooperative
Italian Catering, in which were laid
the foundation for the planning of
trade policy in 2015 which will be
defined during the next meeting in
mid-November. The temperature of
the negative market shows no signs of
change: the economic performance of
national, to which was added a summer
game very late and the volatility of
certain international markets, such
as fish, have threatened to disrupt
linearity in purchases in which the co-
op has been able to cope, thanks to the
garrison of the different areas, without
burdening the quotes. The ability to
supervise carefully the relationships
with international manufacturers
has allowed us to give continuity to
the supply of products from outside
Europe. The meeting continued with the
communications of the sales managers
of the various sectors that have laid
the groundwork for the definition of
guidelines for next year.
Hamburgers and fries, in the USA
people like it less
Dish or sandwich? What do
you order at the bar?
Those who dine at the bar, sitting
or standing, what do they prefer?
According to a survey conducted by Web
Research on networked conversations
sandwiches have it easy, because of the
Salads, rice dishes, meat and fish,
boiled or cooked vegetables, salads with
fruit in season (even ice cream during
the warmer months) are all preferred
alternatives to sandwiches in almost 75%
of cases, for reasons more and dietary
and health benefits, according to what is
written in the internet network.
It is now commonly held belief among
the people of the web (98%) to have
lunch every day with a sandwich is not
But when no one is concerned about the
diet, choosing carbohydrates, chatter
to prefer the sandwich plate of pasta or
pizza in 62% of cases. In addition, the
sandwiches are judged in 78% of cases
too expensive by sailors who talk about
it on the web home, both as a quality /
price ratio that sometimes, even, ever.
Is setting the fashion sandwiches sauces
and rich ingredients and we are seeing
a return to the classics: cheese or cold
cuts, at most with a lettuce leaf or two
slices of tomato or other vegetables as a
garnish, favorites in 71% of the opinions
intercepted on the network.
On the type of bread is appropriate
to say that “there is something for
everyone,” full black “silly” (without
salt), rye, wheat, seeds with a variety ...
Surely sharp drop in the cakes /
muffins, pan rack, and especially the
long-life bread. The ideal (82% of
written opinions on the net) is a freshly
prepared sandwich, slicing meats or
cheeses, cold vegetables or freshly
grilled (at the plate) and possibly heated.
Hamburgers and fries, in the
USA people like it less
While in Italy multiply the premises
where the burger (quality is king,
McDonald’s in the United States is losing
its appeal to younger consumers.
The increased number of choices
available and the search for fresh and
healthy, in fact, the young leaves of
the multinational, which sees its ties
crack as its historic core target. The
rest of the data, are clear: according to
information published by the Wall Street
Journal, the percentage of Americans
between 19 and 21 years old who goes
to McDonald’s every month has fallen by
12.9% since the beginning of 2011, while
that of customers between the ages of
22 and 37 years remained stable.
A worrying trend that has not failed to
be reflected in the accounts: McDonald’s
has announced in August the largest
monthly decline in sales since 2003 and
had to run for cover: the multinational
has revised its menu, introducing
healthier foods, and it is push more
digital. According to the survey of the
consulting firm for the restoration,
Technomic Inc., young people seem to
be more and more captivated by the
formula of the “fast-casual restaurant,”
the fast food gourmet represented, for
example, from brands such as Chipotle
Mexican Grill and Five Guys Holdings.
It’s been a real success at the
Noval Open days
It was held in mid-September, the
regular meeting of Noval with its
customers. There were over 280 client
companies who participated in the
meeting, during which they were
proposed in the range of new products
this fall. “Every year we change the
formula of the proposals, and this year