OTT.NOV 2014
we focused on a selection of products
with the aim of developing industry-
specific,” says Italo Nebbiolo, the holder
of Noval.
Among the products that have met the
most interesting, the Spanish hams, craft
beers, meats native of Alps varesine
cheeses, sweets. “A success on all fronts:
less but more specific vendors,” says
Rational at Oktoberfest
Rational was present at the 18th edition
of the Oktoberfest in Monaco of Bavaria,
with a total of 49 units Self Cooking
Center that can feed 6 million visitors
with over 480,000 roast chickens,
112,000 pork sausages, 78,000 shins
Thanks to the new SelfCookingCenter
5 Senses, launched in May this year,
exhibitors Oktoberfest had the
opportunity to further improve the
performance and quality of cooking in
their pavilions.
Baking potato, to discover
and enjoy with McCain
Tantalizing fried, tasty pan-fried, and
baked traditional, healthy steamed,
in salads fanciful, eclectic in more
complex recipes. Potatoes, have
always been a precious ingredient that
cannot be missed in the kitchen of a
In the era of discovery of new flavors
and recipes gourmet, baked potato or
potato baking expresses, in its entirety,
the best of himself with golden skin,
the soft inner and the natural flavor.
Cooking in foil in fact enhances
the simplicity and completeness of
this product and opens up many
possibilities of combination and
receiving, transforming the potato in
a real flow with high added value.
Perfect menu with meat, the Baking
Potato bride traditional recipes and
protagonist of unique dishes, decorated
with tasty ingredients, such as bacon,
cheese and sauces, or proposal in the
light version in a vegetarian menu.
However, its preparation in the kitchen
is not easy: the raw material does not
always live, need for calibration of
the product, laborious pre-processing
steps, long cooking times, the risk of
wastage and difficulties in managing
The solution to all these problems is
offered by McCain, with the exclusive
Easy Baking Potato of Nature, the
fifth range to the natural, refrigerated
already cooked and ready, to be
prepared in just 3 minutes.
S.V and Noval, a target of 250
The month of July for the newly created
SV Ltd., the company Noleggio Veicoli
Refrigerati of Salvatore Vaccaro, will not
be remembered for the bad weather, but
as the first important step in the new
direction of the company in Turin.
In the afternoon of July 31, in fact,
was delivered by SV the 250th vehicle,
IVECO Daily 60C15, society Noval
Orbassano, a company that takes
care of the catering service and an
integral part of CIC (Cooperative
Italian Catering). The keys to the new
Daily have been delivered directly to
Salvatore Vaccaro, CEO of SV, Italo
Nebbiolo, owner of Noval and president
of CIC
“This delivery has for our company and
for me personally - Salvatore Vaccaro
said with some emphasis - a particular
value. The relation with Italo Nebbiolo
dates back to many years ago when I
founded my first company renting and
Noval was my first client.” Noval also
for this vehicle marked 250 ° S.V. marks
an important point because, as the
president said Nebiolo, “represents a
renewed confidence in the reliability of
the testimony of Salvatore Vaccaro and
his team.”
Quality, service,
International Gourmet Foods
serves gourmet products
with restaurateurs and chefs
around the North America
and in about 27 years it
has established a solid
relationship with customers
becoming a standard bearer
of Made in Italy.
Maurizio Di Benigno founded IGF in
1987. A well-established passion for
quality products, to gourmet food and
a solid experience in the food service
industry have inspired the principles on
which Di Benigno built his company.
His commitment to meet the needs
and desires of its customers and its
determination in sourcing quality
products and value they have built a
reputation as one of the main groups
IGF import in the United States of
gourmet products. The basic idea was
simple: to import a small number of
products in large quantities, thereby
focusing on competitive pricing and
fast delivery times (‘both key to good
customer service’)
The first products imported from Italy,
needless to say, were the classic ones:
tomato paste, extra virgin olive oil,
saffron, and pasta. Nothing compared
to the current portfolio that covers
about 5,000 references from all over
the world. “In expanding our list of
products - says Di Benigno - we are
looking for innovative products that can
inspire and attract the attention of our
Two years ago, a major turning
point, with the entry into the Italian
Cooperative Catering. “For many years
I wanted to be part of the Cooperative
Italian Catering - explains the
entrepreneur - and the idea became a
reality a little over two years ago. The
main reason that pushed me to become
a member of the cooperative was to
have a more direct contact with Italian
companies. In fact, I managed to have
many advantages including, perhaps
most important, a vision of other